April 30, 2016

Khao Lak to Khao Sok by bus, via Takua Pa.

After waking up this morning I head straight to the fruit store. I have been visiting those ladies for three days in a row now, they are super friendly with me. I tell them that I am going to Khao Sok National Park this morning. While paying I

mistakenly hand a Cambodian note that was in my wallet, "Oooh what money is this??" It's from Cambodia, I was there some time ago. "Oooh you how much?" I don't remember, but it is not a lot. Do you want it? "No no you keep it". I return to my room to pack and have my breakfast on the balcony.

I check out and ask the receptionist if she knows the timetables of the local bus to Khao Sok, she doesn't know and lets me know that there aren't any bus stops anywhere near. I take my chances and wait on the side of the road, hoping for a bus to show up soon. Jackpot, I make sign to the driver to stop, and I jump on board. It's only 100 baht to get to Khao Sok.

We stop in Takua Pa, I look around hoping to find the famous market. It seems that there isn't anything today. I buy a few local snack;  caramelized purple yam crisps and sweetened peanuts with sesame seeds. I really enjoy buying those locally produced snacks, so cheap and delicious.

The bus drives throught dry landscapes and beautiful rain forests. We are soon arriving in Khao Sok, the bus has troubles climbing the hills, slowly but... not so surely. That's great has it gives me more time to enjoy the view, the luscious forest spreads on hundreds of kilometers. Fantastic.

I stop the bus, I arrived in Khao Sok. I have booked a bungalow two kilometers away from the main road. I will walk instead of taking a pick up. Anyway, the greedy drivers seem more interested into that fancy and naive looking couple, from whom they can extort more money I'm sure. They get dropped off some 300 meters further down the road. 

It is hot, maybe a pick up would have not have been a bad idea actually... I stop a first time to a convenient store to buy a big water bottle. A kind old man serves me, I stop five minutes to play with a crazy puppy. I am back on the road, the asphalt is hot, long dead bodies of large snakes and toads are drying up on it. They are doing construction on the road, a short line of pick up trucks have to wait, their exhaust pipes blowing flaming hot air around... "I just need a cold drink that's all", only a kilometer left to walk. I stop at the terrace of a bar. I say hello to the little girl, she calls her mum, "MAAAAH" once, "MAAAAAAAAH" twice, and walks back to her corner to play games on her tablette. I wait 5 minutes, nobody shows up. I feel better anyway, I go back on my way. After 600 meters I stop to a convenient store to buy a cold bottle of sweet juice. I look around myself, the locals all seem to be overweight, this place has a true Hawaiian feels.

I finally arrive at the resort. I greet the girls at the reception. They don't seem too happy to see me, straight after check in they offer me their tours and activities. "I will rest for a while and check the activities later, ok?" "OK...".

I booked a Thai rustic bungalow for 6 euros on Agoda but got an apparent upgrade. Cool. I jumped in the shower, damn no water! I get dressed to inform the girls about the issue. An older woman waves at me and to the well she is opening the tab for me. "Sweet, thank you lady!"

After a quick shower, I return to the reception/restaurant. I order a Massaman curry and browse the activity book. Prices are not in my budget, I was planning to do a couple of hikes on my own anyway and maybe I will get to the lake from the other side myself. A German guy asks me if he can sit with me, sure if you want. He is nice, but quite egocentric. He comes from Southern Germany, and is in Thailand for a couple of weeks. He wants us to share a two day trip to the lake with a hike through the jungle, as the minimum number of participant is two. I explain to him that it is quite pricey for me and that I don't really enjoy guided tours. I will try to do most of what I can on my own. "What? Why come here if you are not doing any activities?" I tell him that the purpose of my trip is not to see all that there is to see but more to enjoy being here. He nods, more interested in his huge Lonely Planet guide than what I tell or ask him. Whatever, my food arrived. (Not a real massaman curry by the way)

We decide to go down the river to a spot called The Monkey Swimming Hole. He returns to his bungalow to get his swimsuit, and after paying for my food my food I do the same. I return to the restaurant, waiting for the guy. After five minutes I see the group of American and one German girl looking at me. I ask them if Peter, the German guy came back here while I was gone. Yes, he came looked around and looking sad took the path going down to the river... What? I have never met somebody as self centered as this guy, didn't he realize that I also had to get my swimming stuff aswell? I thank the guys and walk the path, I am not really sure where the river is, I follow my instincts and find a sign leading me to the Hole. Peter is there, already swimming, I walk to the river, he waves at me "Woohoo I thought you had ditched me! Come the water is warmAAAAARRRGGGH" Haha, real funny, dude.. "Something really bit me look! Are there piranhas in Thailand?" Indeed something had bit him. I run out, laughing, the water is murky not very appealing. We sit on the lounge chairs. Up on the tree house restaurant, a guy saw us and tells us that there are puffer fishes in the water and that they bite when you are not moving. Peter is terrified, and starts to get jumpy at every mosquito, falling leaf and flying bird going by. Lisa, the German girl that was with the American group earlier joins us. She goes for a swim, as well as a Thai/westerner family. We let them know to keep swimming so that they don't get annoyingly bit. Ouch, the father gets a pretty big bite on his foot. His little girl doesn't seem concerned at all and stays in the water. It is getting dark, time to head back to the resort. Lisa and I have fun teasing Peter, he walks as fast as he can through the forest, hitting his arms trying to kill imaginary mosquitoes.

Back at the resort we all sit together at the same table. Lisa and I have a chat, the German guy isn't even listening to us he is focused on his tablet, still bothered by the sounds of the night animals. Suddenly, we hear a toad call, and here it is in the restaurant. The biggest toad I have ever seen, probably 20 centimeters long. The owner tells us that the toad wants the light "Yes, to hunt the insects is that it?" I knew that of course, but she seems really happy to chitchat with us. It is time for me to go to bed, I say goodbye to Peter and a see you later to Lisa.

Accomodation: Nung House, Khao Sok.