May 18, 2016

Stranded on the horrible and stressfull island of Ko Lipe

Loveliest day of my trip so far! I woke up at dawn for a refreshing swim, while the sun was slowly rising. I ate a super spicy papaya salad and a sweet roti from Madame Yoohoo. I had the visit of a loyal friend in my open air shower, a beautiful lizard! I was so happy I spent a good twenty minutes just observing its gorgeous colors.  I spent the entire day between my hammock and the sea... just glorious! Glorious until an American couple started fighting in the bungalow just next to mine... that girl absolutely wanted to fight with that poor guy. He tried more than once to end the dispute by telling her that he couldn't believe he was engaged to such an annoying girl while he just wanted to relax and enjoy. "Now leave me alone" "But whyyyy?"... BANG BANG BANG "WOULD YOU TWO JUST SHUT THE HELL UP?! Please let others enjoy their stay... Thank you." Yep that was me. :D I just wasn't going to sit here and wait for an other half hour of that crap. All stressed up and angry I returned to my hammock and finally chilled once again.

Then I met my new German friend Dirk for dinner. I had met him in the morning when he looked in distress in the street. I had asked him if he was alright, and I tried to help him with his issues with a dive center that forgot to pick him up. We had a feast at the restaurant just on the beach. I ate a delicious massaman curry (FINALLY!) and then we went for a swim in the sea and played with the beach dogs.

Accommodation: Forra Diving Resort, Pattaya Beach

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