May 21, 2016

Crazy Thai festival on Ko Lipe

Another glorious day, a bit different from the others though, as I have moved to a new location. I am now on Sunrise beach. I'm going to miss my dog, a my hammock... but sometimes you've got to break the routine to discover new places and meet other people. We ended up partying until the morning at a local party right on the beach. That was a true experience, dancing with the people of Lipe, a lots of drinking involved. Back at my room I had the pleasure to meet the local inhabitants of the area; huge roaches... one fell right next to my face while I was fast asleep. I had to spend the night with the lights on to be sure they stay in the shadows. Once again I have the proof that accommodation built from local materials like banana leaves or bamboo is the best way to cope with the heat, humidity and coexisting with animals and insects. The cries of zillions of mice or rats under my roof also proved that... 

Accomodation: Adang sea divers and Eco Lodge

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