May 01, 2016

Monkey temple and evergreen rainforest in Khao Sok, Thailand

Early hour, I feel sick... sweet, it's Mother Nature knocking on my door. Damn it sucks sometimes to be a girl. In pain and forced to stay in bed, I decide to skip the hike for today. After sleeping for a few hours, I feel a bit better. I head to the restaurant for breakfast, I will have a banana pancake with syrup. Lisa, the German girl joins me, she will go to the Monkey temple later today. "Come with me if you want", I will.

I check out from my room and store my bag in the kitchen. I will stay in an other resort tonight.

To reach the Monkey temple we have to walk back to the main road, 2 kilometers away. The main road is crazy dangerous to walk on, cars drive like crazy.

At the entrance of the temple, a bunch of young kids let us go in for free. Two of the kids want to show us around. We figure that they might expect some money from us after visiting he place. Not gonna happen. The younger one wants us to climb up the stairs built along the cliff. I have a feeling that they are not supposed to let tourists go up there, but we all climb it anyway. The view is really great from up there.

The monkeys are behaving exatly as you would expect. We spot a few female holding their babies. A van with a group of tourist drives in. There are carrying a bags of fruit each.

It is hot, I start to feel bad again. We walk back to the resort, stopping once to get a few sweet cold drinks rom a lovely lady, on the side of the road. I sit with Lisa in the restaurant for a while, until exhaustion kicks me bad. Time to walk to the resort next door and check in. The owners are super friendly, they greet me as soon as I enter the garden. But when I nicely refuse to browse any of their tours and activities they become bland and uninterested. I get myself familiar with my bungalow, it is cute, wind blows through the open bamboo windows. I take a short nap, just to get my spirits back up. It gets hot inside and wifi does not reach the bungalows, time to go outside to hang out at the main area. I order a cashew chicken, that turns out to be horrendous. 

evergreen house khao sok bungalow

evergreen house khao sok bungalow

Time for a long sunset walk in Khao Sok. 

Hiking in Khao Sok national parc thailand jungle

Hiking in Khao Sok national parc thailand jungle limecliffs

Hiking in Khao Sok national parc thailand jungle

rose garden khao sok thailand eerie

Hiking in Khao Sok national parc thailand jungle

I heard weird sounds during the night, either monkeys, birds or rats jumping on the metal roof. Being so close to the jungle adds a bit of a worry; what if it was a snake? 

Accommodation: Evergreen House, Khao Sok