May 09, 2016

Ko Phayam to Chumphon by bus

I am leaving the island. I'm glad to explore new horizons as I am headed to Chumphon. My original plan was to reach Mu Ko Ang thong national marine park, to get there I would have had to take the speed boat back to the main land, a bus to Chumphon, then a ferry to Koh Samui (eww backpacker land) and finally a speed boat to Ang Thong. Too time consuming, expensive and not enough off the beaten path. I gave that idea up. I am still going to Chumphon though, maybe for one night maybe for more. Diving is out of the question, too expensive for my small budget. Maybe I'll snorkel in the National Park.

On the way we pass wonderful mountainous landscapes, travelling by bus is frustrating, next time I'll come with a motorbike or even simply a bike, to be free to explore and stop whenever and wherever.

I finally arrived in Chumphon, as always I will walk to destination. I have just booked one night at Fame guesthouse. I struggles to find the location, Google map seems to be wrong about the location of the guesthouse. I walk around, asking a few locals if they knew where to find the guesthouse. Little by little, I am getting closer to finding it, I window shop a few tailor stores, with beautiful traditional Siamese outfits. I could maybe swing by one later today, it would be cool to own such beautiful clothes.

"Ooh you beautiful, so tall. Movie star! I love you" "Why thank you sir, haha", that guy wasn't even drunk!

Time to head out again. Yes I finally managed to find the guesthouse. I book a snorkelling daytrip for tomorrow, I don't have much expectations for this one, but it is dirt cheap!

Tonight is one of those nights, when I cannot decide where and what to eat. One of those nights, when being a solo traveller becomes a drag. I walk around town, I purchase some fruits and visit the local convenience store. I'm tired, and bored all together, although I interact with extraordinary locals. Yep it is one of those nights. I make the decision to give up trying to find something in town, I will have my diner at my guesthouse, tonight I don't care, to be hanging around in a place full of backpackers nor to be eating overpriced western foods. I will have a cordon bleu, the most delicious cordon bleu I have had since leaving France actually, six years ago! Even the fries are good and crisp!

Accommodation: Fame guesthouse