May 03, 2016

Khao Sok to Ranong, Thailand

crispy catfish, dessert, durian cookies, khao sok, Nalin place, peanuts, pocky, ranong, sausages, smoothie, thai street food, thailand, travel,

"- Hey, is your husband here? Could I get a ride to the main road?"


- That's fine no stress, I can just walk there, that's why I'm asking now so that I can still catch the 11 o'clock bus even without a ri...

-Sshh quiet I call him now!"

Great start, the owner of the resort obviously forgot to take her meds this morning, I feel like ripping her face off.. no, better to remain calm. The husband is here five minutes later and drives me to the main road. He surely was very busy having a beer and chat with his friends, such a HASSLE to drive two minutes to pick me up... whatever, I am glad to leave those mentally insane people.

I walk to the other side of the road, I find a little kiosk selling bus tickets to Takua Pa, from where I will try to catch a bus to Ranong. I still have half an hour to wait, I spot a small food stall. Those ladies are selling little packages of banana leaves with sticky rice. I buy one, and return later for an other "Aroi, aroi mak mak".

The bus is here, there are no seats left, I sit in the back, on the hard, luckily it is a short ride to Takua Pa. Once in Takua Pa, I find the bus going to Ranong, a nice Thai girl wants to help me, even thought I wasn't lost at all. We sit next to each other at the front of the bus. We try to talk a bit, she doesn't speak English too much but wants to become a travel agent. The bus will be leaving in 10 minutes, the girl goes to the toilet and she trust me to watch her bag. As soon as she walks out of the bus, a fat woman dressed enters the bus, she looks around and starts talking to me in Burmese, rude manners she makes sign to me to move to the back as she wants to sit in the front. I try to explain and show to her that I will, but that I have to wait for my "new friend" to get back on the bus as I wont let her bag nor will I touch it without her permission. What an asshole... luckily the girl is back, she talks for a few seconds to the aggressive woman and tells me looking lost "we have to move NOW", we find the last available sits in the back "people are so rude, she so mean" she tells me.

We are stopped a couple of times by officers checking the passengers passports.Probably looking for illegal Burmese immigrants, none will ever want to check my passport.

I am in Ranong, as always I decide walk to my accommodation. I buy a few snacks and I'm on my way. It is really hot, I have to stop half way for a cold smoothie and to have a taste of those cookies I just bought. Oh, they are durian flavored, cool! I get lost a few times along the way, but finally manage to arrive at the hotel. Ranong doesn't seem to be touristy at all. That's a good thing for me.

M hotel room looks super fancy, super cheap as well. With an awesome view from the balcony. I will spend two nights here before heading to Koh Phayam.

Ranong Nalin Place hotel cheap review clean fancy thailand

It is diner time, I feel too lazy to walk far to find food, luckily, my hotel is located just near the road where most street foods stalls are (reason why I chose to stay here). I stop at a bar-restaurant and order a crispy catfish salad, delicious hot fried catfish on top of a sweet and cold mango salad, along with a beer. I walk around the street, humming the smells of foods. I decide to try a bunch fried sausages and tofu with a sweet and sour sauce. I take that back to my room, unfortunately the sausages are not to my taste. Too oily and gummy.

crispy cat fish thaifood streetfood mango salad

thai street food sausages thailand fried

I feel a bit restless, I decide to walk back out to scavenge more food, and get desserts at the 7-eleven.

pocky seven eleven 7-eleven shopping thailand

Pocky makes me so happy!

Accomodation: Nalin Place, Ranong.