May 27, 2016

Penang hill and delicious street food in Georgetown, Malaysia.

Roti canai, pork baozi, Penang Hill, getting attacked by an angry monkey, ais kacang, great people, curry mee and street food market in Penang. Food aside, I cannot stress enough at how dangerous it can be to walk alone late by night, I almost go run over by two Indians on their motorcycle, ON PURPOSE. I will always remember the look of the driver, sick. Luckily I had two French girls to walk me back to my hostel! The atmosphere in the Chulia street was nothing like the shady parts of Thailand or Cambodia (not that I'm a shady street novice either), the ladyboys and prostitutes are scary as fuck and the people (at least most of them) seem to want a piece of you (or your wallet).

Accommodation: Red Inn Heritage Guesthouse

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