May 05, 2016

Boat to Ko Phayam, island paradise.

I am on the boat to Ko Phayam! The taxi picked me up about an hour ago with a group of Thai girls. The boat is full of Thai tourists. The captain seems to be Indian and his little helper all Burmese men. We pass beautiful mangroves (I unfortunately lost the footage). 

We arrive on the island, I take a moto taxi straight to my resort, the Phayam Coconut Beach Resort. There is a problem with the wifi connection on the island. The check in process takes a while. I finally get to my bungalow. I'm not sure if the sheets are dirty or if the humidity and the sea air makes them moist and smelly. We are right on the beach after all.

I drink a few fruits shakes and then walk along the beach. (I lost all the photos of this walk). It is so HOT, I am now quite far from my bungalow, I realize how stupid I was to have walked this far, there barely is any shade and the sun is reflecting on the hot sand. No wonders the beach is deserted. The sea is rough, I cannot swim to refresh myself and the rocks and sand polish my legs. I walk back, trying to keep my cool. Luckily, there are a few things to distract me from the heat; sea shells in all shapes and sizes, zillions of sand bubbler crabs forming beautiful patterns on the beach. I finally, return to my bungalow. It is time for a shower and a nap. 

What a sunset! Evening walk on the beach, there they are, all the tourists and locals. Little by little people emerge from their bungalows. Teens ride their motorbikes on the sand, lovers walk hand in hand, dogs play around happily... There are a lot of people, but it still feels like we are in a special place.

It is getting dark, I order a plate of vegetable tempura with a sweet and sour sauce. I wanted to eat veggies today, but I'm not sure this plate of battered deep fried veggies can count as healthy. It is anyway delicious!

After diner, I walk on the beach. On the horizon, lightning strikes. The stars are the brightest. I get back to my bungalow, my hippie neighbours are drinking beer on their terrace, we greet each other, it seems they have been staying on the island a long time.

Accommodation: Phayam Coconut Beach resort