April 22, 2016

Travelling to Ha Tien, Vietnam, from Kep, Cambodia. ( Prek Chak border crossing )

It is with a heavy heart that I am spending my last moments in Cambodia. I would stay longer if it wasn't for my pre booked return flight to Thailand, but also because I really want to explore a tiny bit of VIETNAM! I will travel the south of Vietnam, and then catch my flight to Thailand in Ho Chi Minh City. I am actually a few days late on my schedule, but I don't regret having spent more time here!

C'est avec le coeur lourd que je passe mes derniers instant au Cambodge, je serai bien resté plus longtemps, mais j'ai mon vol de retour pour la Thailande déjà reservé et puis je suis quand même bien contente d'explorer un petit bout de VIETNAM! Je vais voyager pendant quelques jours dans le sud du pays, puis prendre mon vol pour Phuket a Ho Chi Minh City. 


But first; BREAKFAST! A delicious hot stew with veggies, prawns and herbs.

Mais d'abord; PETIT DEJEUNER! Un delicieux bol de legumes avec des crevettes et des herbes fraiches.

My mini-van pick up to Ha Tien is late, no worries it gives me time to check my facebook, find a hostel for tonight and hang out in the side with my doggy friends.

Mon pick up est en retard, pas grave, ca me donne le temps de reservé un hotel pour ce soir et trainer avec mes amis les chiens.

The road to the Vietnam border is rugged, the bright orange or the earth and the shadow of the trees makes the landscape look magical. We arrive at the border check point, everything goes smooth for me and I quickly head outside back at the van where the driver is waiting. We have a chat and wait for the other passengers to come out. It takes a while. One of the passenger of the van, a big Canadian girl passed out during the checking process, she seemed to have trouble staying on her feet every time a "stressful" situation happened; she did not have the "right paper" to pass the border, her phone broke when she passed out the first time and fell on it (trying not to laugh). Honestly there was nothing to be stressing about, and I found it hard to believe that this girl had been living in Vietnam for the past two years. Anywaaaay. I meet Francois, a French dude also passenger of the same van, we laugh and joke about the incident with the Canadian girl, trust me that girl was hilarious and pitiful all together.

We arrive at the Vietnamese check point, we get asked a dollar each for the "medical check up", right, here is your free dollar dude, dollar that went straight into the young officers bag. Ah I just handed mine looking at the officer like "I know what you're doing man" and that it we are in Vietnam! Yes we, even the Canadian drama queen went through without even being asked for a bribe.

As soon as we passed the border the van went straight into driving Vietnamese style, fast, terribly fast. We arrive in Ha Tien, I will be going to Can Tho that same day, turns out Francois is doing the same, cool a friend! We spent a little while in Ha Tien, I try to find an ATM that accepts my card but I have trouble. Ha Tien looks nice, but everything seems closed. Pity I could have eaten a bun or something. We get into the mini bus, cool it has air con and seems super comfortable. Well actually nope, the drive is Vietmese style, honking, speeding, braking and repeat. It's actually fun haha. Francois tells me that he is planning to cycle in Xe loi (sort of bike with a trailer) from Can tho to Hanoi with one of his friend.

We arrive in Can Tho by night, we say goodbye to each other and I hop on a motorbike taxi. I tell the friendly driver that I need to buy a Vietnamese sim card, he brings me to a nearby kiosk and we jump into a mass of a hundred motorcyclists. It is insane, messy but at the same time ordered. I feel like I am in a noisy herd of sheep. I really get a feel for Vietnam, it looks exactly like what you can see in the documentaries. I booked two nights in a resort outside of the city, we go through a tiny broken road near the river, a road I would have never imagine doing with a motorbike. We find the resort, it is dark the owner greets me and shows me to my bungalow. Lovely place! It seems my home is standing on a pond of some sort, the sound of the insects, frogs is relaxing... Zzzz.

Accomodation: Mai Vien Resort in Can Tho

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