April 04, 2016

Second day in Bangkok, heat and first sunburn.

After a good night of sleep, I decide to head out and finally buy me some new clothes (I came here with only two tank tops and a pair of short jeans).

Aprés une bonne nuit de sommeil, je me decide à sortir pour acheter de nouveaux vêtement (je suis arrivée en Thailande avec seulement deux debardeurs et un short en jean).

A few meters walk and I stumble upon the Wat Bowonniwet Vihara. Stunning buildings, no tourist on sight. Lovely find.

Quelques metres de marche et je decouvre le temple Wat Bowonniwet Vihara. Temple magnifique, aucun touriste en vue. Superbe découverte.

Beautiful back alley inside the temple, the smell of the flowers felt fantastic in the morning heat.

Les belles ruelles fleuries du temple, la senteur des fleurs rend la chaleur matinale plus suportable.

Not having the proper clothing to enter the temple itself, I continue my way trying to find somewhere to buy clothes nearby.

N'ayant pas la tenue correcte pour rentrer dans le temple, je continue mon chemin esperant trouver un endroit où acheter des vêtements.

A mango smoothie and a plate of garlic bread, a bit "pricy" (129 baht total), but this place looks like a bit more trendy and with air conditioning. Sidewalk cafe by the Democracy monument.

Comme petit dejeuner, un smoothie de mango avec du pain à l'ail. Un peu "cher" (129 baht, environ 3,20 euros) pout ce que c'est mais j'avais faim!

At that point, it was so hot that I decided to head back to the hostel to rest for a while. I am clearly not a city person, and temples are SO white and bright that it is difficult for me to chill around. While walking back, a few tuk tuk drivers asked me if I needed a ride to Khao San road, both of them waving in the khao san direction. It got me thinking that it might be at walking distance and that I could buy clothes from there. So I went by foot and indeed found the street and purchased a few clothing items. But I honestly wont go back there; not my vibe and overpriced crap.

Now back at the hotel, nothing else to do than have a refreshing shower and chill until time for diner.

Trop chaud, je decide de rentrer a l'hostel. Sur le chemin, je m'arrete a Khao San road, la rue des backpackers. Pas mon truck, piege a touriste. J'achete quelques vetements, et rentre a l'hostel pour une douche rafraichissante et me relaxer.

And tonight, diner in s street near my hostel. I had a delicious panang curry and a papaya/watermelon/lemon shake. It saddens me to see tourist eat pizzas and hamburgers, thai food is so good! Total 180 baht. I also bought a couple of cliche "tourist is thailand" clothes, the lady was so nice, honest and smily I didn't even feel like playing the game of taking the prices down. Two shirts, one baggy pants: 280 baht (gave her 300)

Et ce soir, dinner dans un restaurant thai a deux pas de l'auberge. Un delicieux curry panang et un shake de papaye/pasteque/citron. Total: 180 baht, environ 4,50 euros. C'est triste de voir des touristes manger des pizzas et des hamburger alors que la nourriture thai est tellement delicieuse! Je me suis aussi acheter quelques vêtements, la vendeuse était tellement sympa souriante que j'ai même pas eu envie de marchander. Total pour deux debardeur et un pantalon: 280 baht, je lui ai donné 300 environ 7,50 euros.