April 20, 2016

Eating crab in Kep.

Knock, knock who's there? It's the Mama knocking on my door to let me know that the pick up van is here in 10 minutes... wait, but I thought it was at 12 o'clock like we planned? Nope there was no mini van at that time but she did not bother to let me know that little detail. I went to sleep late. It is 10:50, luckily I had awoken a few minutes before and had time to take a shower and brush my teeth... no time for breakfast, I hurry, I don't have much to pack but 10 minutes still is a short time to gather everything, pay my tab and say goodbye to my new British friend. I'm off to Kep!

Toc, toc, qui est là? C'est la Mama qui tape a ma porte pour me prevenir que le mini-van va venir me chercher dans 10 minutes... mais non il viens me chercher a 12h comme convenu? Non, il n'y avait pas de transport a cet heure ci, mais elle n'a même pas pris la peine de me prevenir la veille.Je me suis couché tard. Il est 10:50, heureusement que je me suis reveillé quelques minutes auparavent pour me doucher et me brosser les dents... pas le temps de dejeuner, je me depeche de faire mon sac. de payer la facture et de dire un adieu rapide a l'anglais. Direction Kep!


I reach my guesthouse in tuk tuk, once again I choose to stay outside of the town at Visal Sak guesthouse. I will be staying near the crab market (how convenient!). The receptioniste is gorgeous, she is blind in one eye but her smile is most precious. She just started working here at the guesthouse. The program for the day is simple; eat crab, visit the market and discover the neighbourhood.

J'arrive a mon guesthouse, Visal Sak, en tuk tuk, encore une fois, je vais rester en dehors de la ville. Mais proche du marché au crabe. La jolie receptioniste me montre ma chambre. Elle est jeune est viens juste de commencer à travailler á l'hotel. Elle est super belle, bien qu'elle soit borgne. Le programme de la journée sera simple; manger du crabe, voir le marché et me promener aux alentours dans la campagne.

These are the only things I belong. Minimalist as fuck!

I love it here, the whole day I got huge smiles and hellos from the people living and working near my guesthouse. :)

J'adore cet endroit! Les habitant sourient et me disent bonjour a chaque fois qu'ils me voient passer. :)

Accomodation: Visal sak guesthouse