April 07, 2016

Welcome to Cambodia!

Thursday 7th of April, time to head to Cambodia. Early start, I wake up at 4:30, get ready pack my bag and jump in a taxi to the Don Mueng airport.

Jeudi 7 avril, il est temps de quitter Bangkok pour le Cambodge. Je me lève a 4h30 du matin, prepare mon sac et prend un taxi direction l'aeroport de Don Mueng.

The flight is smooth and super quick, an hour later we land in Siem Reap.

Le vol est rapide, une heure plus tard on atteris a Siem Reap.

I pass the immigration, get my visa on arrival, purchase a sim card and get a taxi to my hotel Bliss Villa. The taxi driver tries to make me buy is services and get upset when I politely tell that I don't know yet what I will be doing. He even answers my question "Are originaly from Siem Reap?" by a "taxi drivers at the airport we get no salary... if you no take my services blabla..." I decide not to response and stay cold the rest of the trip. 

Je fais mon visa, achète une carte sim et prend un taxi direction l'hotel ou je vais passer deux nuits Bliss Hotel. Le chauffeur de taxi essaye de me faire comprendre que je dois acheter ses services de guide pour visiter les temples, il est aggressif et mal polis, je refuse.

And for dinner, a delicious khmer yoghurt curry at the 5 sisters restaurant.

Et pour le diner, un delicieux curry khmer au yahourt.