July 27, 2015

Svalbard: Arriving in Longyearbyen

We are landing in the Longyearbyen tiny airport after a 3 hour flight from Oslo.It is 20:30, greeted by a wonderful colored sky, we are settling in the Longyearbyen camping. Cold and wind are the trend. We meet the terns and the lovely coal dust!

The Longyearbyen Camping is the "northernmost regular Camping site of the World." It is the cheapest accommodation around and the most scenic too. You are at nature's doorstep!

Price per night per person: NKR 120

Majestic views of Svalbard, from the air.

Majestic views of Svalbard, from the air.

The colors of the sky from the Longyearbyen Camping.

View on the Isfjord.

Midnight sun

Accommodation: Longyearbyen Camping.