August 02, 2015

Norway: Hiking Rondeslottet, Rondane National Park

Sunday 2sd of August

Day 2:

Wake up! Wake up! 

Today is the day we are going on a journey, 

deep into the Mountains,

we will get our selves lost.

lose the heaviness of our Hearts,

we will breathe the fresh and thin air.

Rondane nasjonalpark

I had great expectations for this journey, a two day hike through Rondane Nasjonalpark. Leaving from Strømbu, heading towards Rondeslottet, climb its summit. Spend the night at the foot of the Mountain and then head onto Rondvassbu crossing the Illmanndalen and spending the second night not too far from the arrival point. 

Unfortunately, a little disagreement on the "overnighting" and issues with our equipment made us reconsider. We will still hike towards Rondeslottet but stop early enough to be back before night fall. And that we did, we hiked for ten hours, stopping a few times for lunch and snacks. We got at the foot of Rondeslottet and back from there. Unfortunately, (or fortunately in our case, as we might have tried to climb it anyway, ) the summit was under the clouds.


The hike starts in a flat foresty area covered in reindeer moss. It is humid, dark and the clouds are pouring warm drops of water. But the view is magnificent.

Rondane nasjonalpark
Norge 2015 sheep poop style
Rondane nasjonalpark

Rondane nasjonalpark

Rondane nasjonalpark

Rondane nasjonalpark

Rondane nasjonalpark

Rondane nasjonalpark bjoernhollia

Rondane nasjonalpark Rondslottet

Rondane nasjonalpark Rondslottet

Rondane nasjonalpark Rondslottet

Rondane nasjonalpark Rondslottet

Rondane nasjonalpark Rondslottet

Rondane nasjonalpark Rondslottet

Rondane nasjonalpark Rondslottet

Rondane nasjonalpark Rondslottet

Rondane nasjonalpark Rondslottet

Rondane nasjonalpark Rondslottet