August 05, 2015

Norway: Austerdalsbreen hike in Jostedalsbreen National Park

We wake up in the fresh and humid Austerdal valley. The sun is slowly showing its shine, and will soon reflect patches of sunlight on the Moutainside and glaciers. We eat our breakfast near the river bank, listening to the music of the waterstream.

Today, we will reach the glacier at the end of the Austerdal valley. A six hour long hike, which should be fairly easy. We enter the damp valley, small birch trees and rivers share the space. The path sometimes looks like a stream, and the stream a path. The scenery is straight from a fairy tale.

After a short climb, we arrive at the glacier. It is majestic.

After spending the day in the Jostedalsbreen National Park, we head eastwards to Jotunheimen National Park. Tomorrow, we will hike the Besseggen ridge...

And this is where we will be spending the night.