May 14, 2016

Boat to Koh Mook, Muslim Island Thailand

My pick up is here, I was already outside waiting with my new Korean friend. I get my bag and enter the car "I forgot my phone!" I run back straight to my room, shoot I already gave my key back to the receptionist. "I have key!", luckily the Korean guy is here. What is happening to me? I have been so organized until then, but today my brain is not functioning properly, hmm I don't remember having hurt myself in the head lately... clumsy day it is then. ;)

We arrive at the pier. Sweet we will get to the island in a longtail boat. It splishes and slapshes, we have a good laugh with the Thai couple travelling with me. The woman seems terrified but she is having fun anyway. 

I don't have a booking but I have spotted a cheap guesthouse in the village, Smile Bungalow. There is a muslim party in the village, lots of people and food. Quite festive.

I buy fruits from a stand, I will later on learn that mangoes tend to bet rare on the island. And I have my lunch at Team restaurant.

Stop teen mom, you don't see that often in schools, do you?

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